16th Transatlantic Students Symposium
Challenges to Transatlanticism in the 21st Century: Re-Envisioning the Transatlantic Relationship
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Oregon State University, University of Warsaw, University of Wrocław, New York, March 24-31, 2018
Program Description
After World War II, transatlantic relations were seen as a necessity in the West in order to rebuild Europe, to locate Germany securely within a democratic framework, and to meet the challenges of the Cold War. The Transatlantic Relationship was never free of conflicts, but in case of doubt, it was regarded as instrumental in promoting Western cooperation and security.
Now, 70 years after the Marshall Plan was implemented, the Transatlantic Relationship seems to be more in question than ever. It would be easy to attribute that situation to the agitations of few political leaders and demagogues, or to the short-term strategic interests of a few countries. A solid transatlantic framework should be able to successfully meet such disturbances.
Yet what appears to be visible now is probably a cultural shift, a notion that Transatlanticism itself is not only not anymore important, but also not desirable. Indeed, such questioning seems to extend to the ideas of globalization, free trade and internationalism. There has always been this criticism on the political left, but now the same critique can be heard, albeit in different tones, on the political right as well.
Faced with such an unusual bipartisan anti-global and anti-international coalition, we will need to investigate possible root causes of such changes in the political spectrum in an age of uncertainty in which every reliable societal marker seems to be under question.
The upcoming 16th Transatlantic Students Symposium will explore the cultural, social, economic and political dimensions of such a shift, and discuss possible remedies to restore and possibly re-envision the Transatlantic Relationship.
Dr. Philipp Kneis, Dr. Allison Davis-White Eyes, Dr. Brent Steel (OSU), PD Dr. Reinhard Isensee (Humboldt), Dr. Tomasz Basiuk (Warsaw)
Student & Assistant Organizers
Sara Fehlhaber, Elena Sanchez, Ayla Wopker (Humboldt), Yousef Allouzi, Jessica Andrepont, Celia Balderas, Jonathan Sandoval (OSU)
Student Participants (not organizers)
approx. 20 students
Total participants approx.: 35
Program Information
Complete Call for Papers
Abbreviated Call for Papers for OSU
Syllabus for Preparatory Class at OSU
Partners and Supporters
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: International Office, Humboldt-Universität, Philosophical Faculty II, American Studies Program, Humboldt-Universität, Students Union English and American Studies
Oregon State University:
Public Policy Graduate Program,
Graduate School
University of Warsaw, American Studies Center
Max Kade Foundation
Holiday Land Richter Reisen, Berlin
see also: Latest Program Report
back to: Symposia
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