Abstracts of Papers
Dave Lojek: HyperPoetry
Dave's multimedia presentation sets out to provide a first access to current net-based poetry and related visual art forms. The basis for this project was the exhibition "P0ES1S" earlier this year which resided at the Kulturforum, Potsdamer Platz.
HyperPoetry is a Proteus, a Chimera which cannot be contained in a single mind, presentation, or poetics. Each piece requires a different approach / handling, the only common features are relations to textuality and the electronic fabric or medium. The works are both fleeting and recursive, stable and fluid.
Some recent trends include interactive installations such as "Textrain", "hyPoem", as well as an increasing quantity of flash animations, java-based applications and modifiable text. A certain amount of theoretical knowledge and familiarity with the medium of hypertext (i.e. Prof. Isensee's seminars) will be required, as this talk cannot start from scratch. Eager students who cannot wait till Saturday or won't manage to appear in person might visit www.netzliteratur.net and read a few papers themselves. After the talk there will be time to explore the electronic exhibits and speculate about effects of this art form on present and future discourse.
If all goes well, participants will have a chance to take the exhibits with them on a self-contained CD-ROM and thus disperse the artworks amongst their peers to engage in the act of copying. (Tautologies aside.)